Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Kind of Wood Grain

How to achieve wood grain as expected?
Tree grows so there is annual rings inside.
When there was low humid then the tree will grow slower higher density so the color will be darker.
And when there was high humid then the tree will grow rapidly, lower density, so the color will be lighter.
Contrast color of each growing year to year we call it annual ring.

Wood plank's grain will be appear according to how we rip the log.

Plank no 1 will generate less grain. Since tree grow in cone shape then the grain will be curve at it's end. We call it tangential grain.
tangential grain

 Plank no 2 will generate more grain. We call it radial grain.
radial grain

Wood percentage conversion from log to clean nett component

The conversion refers to a percentage comparison yield netto volume of wood against the volume of logs

Log diameter of 40cm, 2 meters long, we will convert it into clean planks 25mm thickness.
should be additional +/- 5mm as spelling planner / thicknesser. So that the output of sawmills ripping  must be set to 30mm.
It should be noted the thickness of the saw blade also create a space that reduces yield, typically about 5 to 10mm.
another factor is the log bark. usually at the beginning of the cutting should be disposed of +/- 2cm

The calculations are as follows:
 Left image shows
rough volume of log = 40cm diameter x length 2m = 0.2512m3
 middle image shows how to rip at sawmill

right image shows results rough cut (of sawmills) = 0.1761m3

Then output percentage from sawmill will be = 0.1761: 0.2512 x 100% = 70%

Furthermore, after do planner and thicknesser, 30mm of board thickness should be 25mm, so the planks volume will be 0.1467 m3, the yield is 58%.

 please note
this 58% figure is the most that can be achieved because it uses the illustration of a full round log, while in reality the log must be irregular shape.
They can be reduced again by defects of wood, knots, sapwood, etc.

Furthermore, again cutting into smaller components, we will not discuss here because so many variations. Just to keep in mind that the smaller the size of the components, the smaller output percentage anyway.

Our experience shows the yield of teak are at 20-25%

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

What is Furniture Shop Drawing

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan shop drawing?

Shop drawing yaitu gambar awal yang digunakan sebagai acuan ukuran dari suatu produk. Biasanya memuat ukuran-ukuran luar dan detail-detail tertentu yang dirasa perlu untuk diperhatikan. Dapat berisi gambar tampak, potongan, detail dan perspektif.
Shop drawing biasanya digunakan juga sebagai dasar untuk menghitung harga pokok suatu produk. Biasanya hanya terdiri dari 1 sampai maksimal 4 lembar gambar untuk satu produk.
Dalam suatu proses manufaktur, shop drawing harus diterjemahkan lebih lanjut menjadi gambar kerja.

What is shop drawing mean?
Shop drawing mean the initial draft which is used as a measurement reference of a product. Usually includes outer measurement and certain details are necessary to be considered. It could consist of elevation, section, detail and perspective view.
 Shop drawings are usually used also as the basis for calculating the cost of a product. Usually only consists of 1 to a maximum of 4 sheets for one product.
In a manufacturing process, shop drawings must be translated further into technical drawings.

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Rendemen Kayu Jati

Istilah rendemen mengacu pada prosentase perbandingan volume bersih kayu yang bisa dipakai terhadap volume kayu bulat / log utuh.

Contoh kasus:
Log diameter 40cm panjang 2 meter, akan dijadikan papan dengan ketebalan bersih komponen 25mm.
maka pada pembelahan sawmill harus ditambahkan +/-5mm sebagai spelling planner / penghalusan. Sehingga output papan dari sawmill harus diatur 30mm.
Harus diingat pula ketebalan gergaji sawmill juga menciptakan ruang yang mengurangi rendemen, biasanya sekitar 7 - 10mm.
faktor lain yaitu kulit kayu. biasanya pada pemotongan awal harus dibuang +/-2cm

Perhitungannya sbb:
Volume log awal = diameter 40cm x panjang 2m = 0.2512m3
Hasil potongan kasar  (dari sawmill) = 0.1761m3

Rendemen sampai tahap sawmill = 0,1761 : 0,2512 x 100% = 70%

Selanjutnya setelah diplanner, dari ketebalan papan 30mm harus dijadikan 25mm, sehingga volume kayu menjadi 0.1467 m3, rendemennya menjadi 58%.

INGAT, angka 58% ini adalah hasil maksimal yang bisa dicapai karena menggunakan ilustrasi penampang log yang benar2 bulat, sementara pada kenyataannya penampang log tidak beraturan bentuknya.
Masih bisa terkurangi lagi oleh cacat kayu, kayu putih / sapwood, dll.

Selanjutnya pemotongan lagi menjadi komponen yang lebih kecil, tidak kami bahas disini karena sangat banyak variasinya. Hanya saja yang dapat diingat yaitu semakin kecil ukuran komponen maka semakin kecil pula rendemennya.

Pengalaman kami menunjukkan rendemen untuk kayu jati berada pada 20-25%

Senin, 17 Maret 2014


We are professional workers in Indonesian furniture for more than 10 years. One of our services are to draw technical furniture, presentation drawings, technical drawings for production, 2D drawings, 3D drawings, montages, assembling instruction, etc
Price start from, -/sheet A4, depending on the complexity and number of components of the furniture.
contact us at:


call / sms

- Images sent can be a photo / sketch with certain measurement You want.

example of original images:
- 1-2 days processing time work

- Payment in advance, or

- Down Payment of at least 50%, after drawings are finished we will send in jpg format for review, after "OK" repayment. next we will send the picture in a pdf format and DWG.

- Payment by wire transfer / WU. Account number and Bank will be informed later.

- Free revision 1x, subsequent revisions charge applied.


Menerima pembuatan gambar teknik CAD khusus furniture / mebel, termasuk gambar presentasi, gambar kerja produksi, gambar 2D, gambar 3D, gambar Montase / montage, gambar assembling instruction.

Harga mulai,-/lembar A4, bergantung pada tingkat kerumitan dan jumlah komponen gambar

hubungi kami di:


call / sms
- gambar yang dikirimkan dapat berupa foto / sketsa disertai ukuran2 tertentu yang dikehendaki.
contoh gambar asal:

- waktu pengerjaan 1-2hari kerja

- pembayaran di muka, atau
- DP minimal 50%, setelah gambar jadi kami kirimkan gambar dalam format jpg untuk direview,  setelah "OK" pelunasan. selanjutnya kami akan kirimkan gambar dalam format pdf dan dwg.
- free revisi 1x, revisi selanjutnya berlaku charge.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010